Thursday 24 January 2013

How To Get HD Digital Channels on an Old TV

Switching to digital does not have to expensive or even tricky. If you are not ready to upgrade you television or not prepared to spend big dollars check out this video explaining how to go to digital using your old TV

Check out this website for more information

Friday 11 May 2012

TV Antenna Installation Perth, The Basic Guidelines

What kind of antenna is best in your area?

Check out Jonathon Black's tips, information and suggestions
TV Antenna Installation Perth, The Basic Guidelines

Sunday 11 March 2012

My Video 3/10/12 at

Data networks will be the way of the future. Check out our video to see how data networking can benefit you. Like what you see? visit to learn more about the cabling experts

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Wired Vs Wireless Connection

There are two ways to access the internet, one being through a wired network and the other being a wireless connection. Discover thedifference between the two and the different disadvantages and advantages of each. Understanding the different options available enables you to choose the best option for you.

A wired network is when there is a hardwire connection. There is an Ethernet cable connected from each port linking one device to another, therefore establishing a network connection. Even when there are multiple devices in different areas of a property a cable is hardwired to each component separately. Generally a hub, router or switch is required to operate numerous PC’s. 

A wireless network connection operates wirelessly, just like the name suggests.  To use a wireless network a modem is required. One cable runs from the internet access point to the modem. Than A system transmitting radio waves enables components to connect without running a cable between each device. 

Wired Network advantages
  • Provides greater speed effectiveness and efficiency
  • Offers Higher security levels as the data is transmitted via direct hardwired connection people cannot  externally access the network 
  • Structured network cabling enables devices to connect together and allows people to utilize technological developments in the future
  • Greater capability when it comes to transmitting data. Higher speed connections ensure downloads and updates are quick and easy while still maintaining quality and reliability

Wireless Network advantages
  • Greater mobility – Wireless gives you access whenever a WIFI network is available. Allowing you to move around quite freely  without the hassle of having to connect any cables
  •  There are no messy cables running from place to place or worries about where and how to hide the cable
  •  Enables wireless printing  and scanning which can be a very handy feature
  •  Fairly easy to set up as you don't have to  connect cables from one port to another

Wired Network disadvantages
  •  In comparison to wireless the hardwired system is greatly restricting. PC’s will only work where there is a data port to connect to.
  • Running cable throughout exiting properties can be a little trickier, especially if the house has more than one level. Hiring a trained professional could save you time and money, in the end.
  • Since cable needs to be connected separately to each device you have to find ways to hide the cable in each instance. However, with the use of cavity walls and ducting you can achieve a nice clean job
 Wireless Network disadvantages

  • The greater the distance between the device and the available WIFI connection can affect wireless performance levels
  • Some people complain of wireless randomly disconnecting, failing to stay connected during long sessions and struggling with features such as recording
  •  Lower data transfer rates may weaken streaming ability
  • Wireless connections are susceptible to higher security risks unless necessary precautions are taken

General Information & Tips
  • Cat6 cable is the standard hardwired connection used and many new homes are being pre-wired during construction to save time, effort and money, at the same time as future proofing there house for years to come.
  • When buying a modem it is always a good idea to purchase one with multiple Ethernet connections, as it allows greater flexibility
  •  Always remember to secure your wireless network so no-one else can access and use your data
  •  If you are having problems with your wireless connection but don’t want to switch to a wired network you may find a Power line adapter efficient enough.
  • Cat6 cabling is fairly cheap and commonly considered a worthy investment in exchange for hassle free data connections and inbuilt security features.
  • According to 2008 documents; wired systems run at 100 mbps (mega bytes per second) while the fastest wireless is 54 mbps. For general use this is no cause for concern. Higher bandwidth is recommended for people interested in gaming, high speed net access, networking, or connecting computers together to share information.

There is no right or wrong way to connect to the internet. Consider the details mentioned concerning wireless and wired networks to help guide you in the right direction for you, specifically. For data point installation or any further information be sure to contact Freewire TV today.

Sunday 15 January 2012

New television Installation tips and tricks

Oh how things have changed. Installing a new television used to be a simple case of going out buying a television then coming home and whacking it on a TV stand or cabinet.Conveniently there was a shelf for all the entertainment devices including VCR's, gaming consoles and DVD players. 

There is a new concept when it comes to buying a television in the world today, however.With the many options available installing a new TV is that little bit more complicated. It sounds silly, I mean what is complicated about choosing how and where a television sits. Let me tell you despite what you may think there are just so many things to think of.

You may ask yourself, what sort of world are we living in when installing a television becomes a job.  How have we made a simple thing like buying a TV difficult. Ok well it’s not so much hard there are just a few more things to consider, that’s all. After all is said and done taking a moment to think about the best way to install your new television to suit your habits and needs is beyond advantageous.

The simple traditional TV entertainment units once popular in every household is slowly becoming the ‘old way’. It is becoming increasingly common for people that purchase a new TV to mount it on the wall. Really it is up to the individual. There are benefits of both the traditional TV units and mounting TV’s on the wall depending on what you are trying to achieve. 

Before rushing excitedly out to buy a new television it is a good idea to consider how you are going to install the television. Due you prefer the traditional route of a TV or the ever so popular trend of mounting the TV on the wall? 

Often people lacking in space opt to mount their television on the wall. Mounting a TV on the wall is an excellent way to create the illusion of space as it sits neatly on the wall out of the way. Also it goes without saying you don’t have to worry about a big bulky cabinet to ensure your TV fits. Another reason to mount your TV on the wall is as mentioned before it looks neat and tidy. When you walk into a room and the TV is mounted discretely pushed up on the wall it looks nice, clean and sophisticated. There are various different mount types enabling peoples individual needs to be accomodated. The flat mount sitting tight up against the wall is not for everyone. A swivel arm mount is available so that people can rotate the television on its axis. 
Take someone who likes to watch TV in the kitchen while they are preparing a meal but they don’t watch it enough to buy a separate television. Perfect, have your TV in your lounge then swing it round to view it from the dining room.  Having an arm extend out from the wall with the ability to rotate can be highly useful, especially in combating glare. Really being able to tilt the TV allows you to find the perfect viewing spot at all times. Like if you want to lie down instead of sitting up well you can adjust the TV downwards to create the best viewing experience possible.  

It is important to remember when mounting a TV on the wall that it is still necessary to have some sort of cabinet for your media device to sit in or on. For people worried about space there are nice sleek small ones that complement TV’s mounted on the wall.
Another detail that must be addresses is the ever so hated cables that come with every lounge room entertainment. Unfortunately mounting your television on the wall does not make them go away. For anyone installing there television on an exterior wall the cables can be fed through the cavity. Running the cables through the cavity is a great tidy way to hide the cables. don't panic the mumble jumble of cables can also be hidden on interior walls, through the use of ducting. The picture below gives you an indication on what to expect if you have to hide the cables inside ducting. There are different size dusting tubes to choose from, that way if you do not have many cables you can opt for a smaller size. 

As great as televisions look mounted on the wall lets not forget our trusty old entertainment units. There are some beautiful traditional pieces of furniture great for anyone with a large area. The storage space is also another benefit of the larger style TV entertainment units. Those units that fit the television inside made great spots for photos, trophies and other little nic nacs.

Also whilst the cables still exist and are admittedly untidy they are generally hidden behind a unit that noone can see. Just remember if you love your old entertainment unit where the TV fits in it is a good idea to measure the area before purchasing a new television to make sure the screen will fit in correctly.

Well that sums up the different things you should think about when installing a new television. Who knew there was so much too it, viewing angles, mount types, hiding cables we really have evolved from the days you simply brought a TV and put it on a stand.

If all this talk about televisions is beyond you give Freewire TV a call. They are experts when it comes to mounting televisions, connecting cables or disguising cables.

Good luck and have fun with the new TV :)

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Common video and Audio Leads

Sometimes buying and connecting video and audio leads can get confusing. I have provided a brief summary below on the main leads used for video and audio amongst devices.

RCA leads are the basic red, white and yellow cords connected between devices to deliver audio and video. The yellow connection transmits video whilst the red and white send audio. The output connectors plug into the device you wish the audio/video to come out of and the input connectors plug into the device you will be accessing the data from.

Component video is a video signal that has been split into two or more component channels. The component leads are red, blue and yellow and the lead is only capable of broadcasting video therefore must be paired with audio cables for sound. The standard red and white cable leads are often paired with the 3 video component leads to receive audio. If the picture is not displayed on the screen after setting up the component leads often a TV setting needs to be changed allowing the YpBPr component format. The green blue and red connect into the video section and the white and red connectors go into the audio ports.

The scart lead has a 21 pin connector at the end of a lead used to hook up devices. The traditional scart cable has the 21 pin connecter each end and is capable of carrying audio, video and data signals.
The other type of scart leads have the standard 21 pin connector on one end with connectors on the opposite end. One lead has a scart with red white and yellow input connectors, which plug into the device you are trying to get video/audio off.

Similar to that there is a scart lead with the scart output to 3 red, white and yellow inputs as well as 3 white, red and white output connectors. Handy for connecting one device through another when there are limited inputs on the TV.

Scart to component leads are also available obviously having the scart at one end with component phono connectors completing the opposite end.   

HDMI cables form part of a fully digital connection system that carries both video and audio. It is the uncompressed cable to support video and audio through a single lead. HDMI supports standard, enhanced, or high-definition video, plus multi-channel digital audio on a single cable. 
HDMI lead Advantages
  •    Superior, uncompressed digital video and audio quality
  •     One single cable user-friendly connector, decreasing the jumble of cords running and tangling behind the entertainment unit.
  •    Integrated remote control
  •   Capable of transmitting high-definition content.
     Enhanced picture quality. HDMI provide the highest, sharpest picture quality.
  •   HDMI supports multiple audio formats, from standard stereo to multi-channel surround-sound.
  •  HDMI combines video and multi-channel audio into a single cable, eliminating the cost, complexity, and confusion of multiple cables currently used in A/V systems.

An Optical audio lead is a single cord that streams digital audio from one device to another. An optical cord is capable of transmitting extremely high bandwidth in comparison to no other. A single optical audio cable is capable of transporting a full multichannel digital audio stream such as Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS. Connecting an optical audio cable from the optical digital output on the TV to optical digital input on the amplifier will play any device connected to the TV through the amplifier speakers. Optical audio cables provide the highest quality sound you can get.

Saturday 31 December 2011

7 things you must know about cabling

Handy home cabling tips for all the techies out there. Top7 cable facts you might find interesting or maybe even helpful, enjoy!

1) Ensure your cable installer holds the current industry and government licenses, qualifications and training. To guarantee maximum optimization it is essential the cables being installed meet the current Australian standards, specifications and regulations.
2) Top quality RG6 coaxial must be used for all TV cabling requirements. Successful installation is dependent on the right cable being used. Installing inferior cable will lead to regular issues and interference with the TV reception. 

3) There is an exciting new cable called  Cat6 allowing speed, flexibility and opportunities like never before. “Cat” short for Category otherwise known as data cable consists of four twisted pairs of wires. The more twists the faster data can be transferred down a cable allowing unique features like network sharing and net access to electrical appliances at home.  

4) Full house cabling will soon become the standard in new homes. Installing cabling during the pre construction stage is highly economical increasing the value of your asset even before anyone moves in to the home.  

5) Correct installation methods are extremely important when running data cabling. If terminations are carried out incorrectly or Cat 6 rated materials are not used in conjunction with Cat 6 wiring, the overall performance is degraded to that of the cable or connector. Reduced data speeds and audio/picture interference are just two examples of problems that would occur. 
 6) T  is now being carried out in Australia. The speed enhanced download rates are staggering. The Time to download an average compressed movie (1 GB of data) with copper wire currently takes 1day and 16 hours.  With Cat6 and the NBN it will only take 1minute and 20seconds.         

7) Although not recommended people can currently have older cabling throughout their home. After the NBN is connected, however, any home that is not wired with Cat 5 coaxial the cable will need re-running. 

To contact your quality local cable provider visit Freewire TV